Many health insurance plans require that you obtain a referral prior to seeing a specialist or prior to having certain tests and procedures performed. If your insurance plan requires you to obtain a referral, please contact our office prior to your visit with the specialist.
To obtain a referral, call (571) 642-1460 and press option "2" . Please leave the following information on the voice mailbox: your name, your date of birth, a phone number where you can be reached (in case we have questions), the specialist/test/procedure that you are requesting, and the date of your appointment. We will have the referral at our front desk, ready for you to pick up, within 72 hours.
Please note: Your insurance plan may require physician documentation that determines your need for a referral. You may be required to have an office visit with the physician before a referral can be generated.
If you have any questions about referrals (or whether your insurance plan requires that you obtain one), you may discuss those with one of our reception staff.